Welcome to the Westampton
Township Preschool Webpage
Our goal here at Holly Hills Elementary School is to provide a free, high-quality early childhood education in a safe, nurturing environment for all preschool students. Research has shown that children who participate in an early childhood education program build a life-long love of learning. We offer a full-day 3-5 year old program, along with a full-day 3-5 year old preschool disabled program. In each classroom, the teachers use the developmentally-appropriate curriculum, The Creative Curriculum. This curriculum incorporates the latest research on early childhood education and is one of the New Jersey Department of Education-Division of Early Childhood’s five recommended curricula.
The Westampton Township Preschool Program is also a proud member of Grow NJ Kids. Grow NJ Kids, New Jersey’s Quality Rating Improvement System, is New Jersey’s program to raise the quality of childcare and early learning across the state. For parents, it provides information on selecting a quality provider to help them make the most of their kids’ early learning opportunities. For childcare and early learning programs, it provides resources that help raise their quality and continuously improve their programs. Please see the link below for more information.
Deadline to sign up is January 31, 2025

Helpful Links
1. New Jersey -Department of Education http://www.state.nj.us/education/
2. Grow NJ Kids - http://www.grownjkids.com New Jersey’s Quality Rating and Improvement System
3. NJ Parent Link http://www.nj.gov/njparentlink/ The Early Childhood Parent and Professional Resource Center
4. New Jersey Department of Education Family Information http://www.state.nj.us/education/parents/
5. The Preschool Teaching and Learning Expectations, for more information on the NJDOE Standards of Quality. visit: http://www.state.nj.us/education/ece/index.html
6. Burlington County Board of Special Services http://www.bcbss.org/dir/dir-mainenglish.htm