
The Big/Little Program is a mentoring initiative designed to pair 8th grade students (the “Bigs”) with a 6th grader (the “Littles”) in order to foster mentorship, guidance, and support within the school community. The program aims to create meaningful connections between students of different ages, providing them with a supportive relationship that can have a positive impact on their social, emotional, and academic development.

The school hosts in-school events monthly for the students to build on their connection. In between, teachers and staff have witnessed our Bigs go above and beyond with:

  • Getting a wandering Little back to their class

  • Scheduling regular locker cleanouts 

  • Emailing their Littles’ teachers for incomplete assignments to work on together

  • Checking in on their Littles 

If anyone wants to donate to the Big/Little program to help fund upcoming events, please reach out to Mrs. Ho via email at!