
Parent-Teacher Conferences are being held this year on Monday, November 21st and Tuesday, November 22nd, which are early dismissal days.  The goal of parent-teacher conferences is to bring the parent(s) and teacher(s) together to share important knowledge about your child.  You know your child better than anyone and your child’s teacher has special training as well as experience with many different children.  The teamwork between the teacher and you will greatly benefit your child.  Here are some helpful hints to utilize and prepare you for your conference:

Before the Conference

·         Review Your Child’s Schoolwork

·         Talk to Your Child About School

·         Make a List of Questions or Concerns To Bring to the Conference (regarding instructional programs, student performance, and student behavior)

·         Arrange for Both Parents to Attend (if possible)

·         Arrive at the Conference On Time

During the Conference

·         Raise Your Most Important Concerns First (time is limited to allow every parent to meet with their child’s teacher)

·         Listen Carefully and Stay Calm to Foster Good Communication

·         Take Notes

·         Develop an Action Plan with the Teacher to Help Your Child

We look forward to your participation in Parent/Teacher Conferences this school year. Open communication between the teacher and the parent is vital to your child’s performance and growth.  The school counselor and special area teachers will be available in their classroom/office or you can call ahead to schedule an appointment with any of these staff members.  Following Parent/Teacher Conferences, I encourage you to stay in touch with you child’s teacher, participate in future school activities, and continue open communication with your child.

Here is the link for directions to sign up: